
Islamic Society of Gold Coast Inc.

Islamic Society of Gold Coast Inc.

The Gold Coast is the second largest city in the state of Queensland, Australia. It is considered to be the tourist capital of Australia. There is only one purpose built masjid on the Gold Coast. The Gold Coast community is very cosmopolitan. Alhamdulillah, our centre is buzzing with activities and there is never a boring moment.  We have a fairly united and supportive community through the Grace of Almighty Allah. There is a full time resident Imam who conducts various activities at the masjid facilities. There are approximately 8,000 Muslims living on the Gold Coast, and about 1200 people attend Jum'ah prayer. Our community is growing by the day with Muslims from over 60 different cultural backgrounds, and therefore, there is always a need for people to get involved and support the masjid. We have a range of activities at our Masjid besides the normal things that happens at other Masaajid.

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