President's Address
President's Address
Presidents Address
Respected Executive Members of all our Member Organisations, Respected Brothers and Sisters and Friends
As salaam o’alaikum wrb
Since taking office earlier this year, my team and I have not had the time to sit back and reflect on our journey so far, yet I know and believe that our achievements to date have been exceptional.
The recognition and respect that your Council enjoys throughout Queensland is commendable. From the halls of Parliament House in Brisbane through to the sporting fields in Logan and amongst the many Government and non-government organisations, we are welcomed with love and open arms and our contributions are acknowledged.
Besides attending several meetings, representing Council at various functions, meeting with many dignitaries and delivering important talks on various aspects of Islam, our team was able to deliver a successful Eid-ul-Fitr gathering this year.
Our highlight event to date was undoubtedly the Eid Down Under EDU2019 function which was once again delivered in a befitting manner and despite some inclement weather, it was a phenomenal success. I must commend our youth volunteers whose planning, teamwork and efforts on the day ensured the smooth running of the event. Allow me this opportunity to once again thank our valued sponsors, VIP guests, Stall Holders, Team Lacy and all of you that spent the day at EDU2019. Without your support this event would not be possible.
ICQ is also working, in close collaboration with Dr Brian Adams and Assoc Prof Halim Rane of Griffith University, to initiate programs and studies directly affecting the Muslim community of Queensland. Once these programs are ready, we do expect our Community Leaders to take the initiative to attend or utilise these efforts to improve our understanding of community issues and how to best work on proper solutions.
Another financial year has ended, and it is time for our member organisations to arrange for their AGMs. I once again request all member organisations to encourage and elect more Sisters onto our organisations. I take this opportunity to thank all those that will not be standing for re-election for their efforts and contributions and I wish those that will be either re-elected or newly elected everything of the best.
In conclusion I would like to pay our respects to all those stalwarts of our community that have recently returned to our Creator. May Allah swt accept your efforts and sacrifices that you made for us and may He grant you the highest abode in Jannah.
Hj Habib Jamal